Heritage temple jewellery with the motif of `Kirtimukha' (glory-face or grotesque-mask that wards off the evil) .This fierce-looking, swallowing monster face with huge fangs, and gaping-mouth head with its tongue sticking out is extensively used as a decorative motif surmounting the pinnacle; doorways of temples or the images of deities in south Indian architecture. According to mythology Kirtimukha was created from the third-eye of Lord Shiva and is symbolic of the self-destructive nature of the unbridled ego-self in us.
In this handcrafted necklace gold-dipped ; vividly etched, `chased' sterling silver (92.5%) pendants are woven into black cotton thread.
(Note:This is a short necklace that sits around your neck.)
Product Details
Measurements : Length of necklace: 12 inches (Tassle provided at the back to adjust length)
Gemstones used: None.
Made of: Sterling Silver (92.5%)